tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 28 08:52:06 2006

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Re: Beowulf tatlhlu'ta'?

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>Hamlet lut vIbuS, 'ej yabwIj 'el "Beowulf".
>"Beowulf" mughlu'ta''a'?
>I might actually go on and attempt some translating myself, although
>honestly, my skills still suck...
>Is there a way to go about this, or a translators-mailinglist to get help

I've never heard of a specialized Klingon translators mailing list.  Why 
don't you just post a few lines at a time here?  If you want more 
responses, cross-post it to the Klingon_Language list on  It would be a good idea to tag the Subject with "Beowulf" 
so those not interested can skip the discussion.

If you have a web page, you could post your working translation so people 
can keep an eye on your progress or remind themselves how something was 
done earlier.

Sounds like a fun project.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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