tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 02 00:18:29 2004

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Re: pronounciation of 'gh'

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Dar'Qang:
>I have a lingering uncertainty about the pronounciation of the 'gh'
>sound.  The main question is about a uvular roll as part of the 'gh'
>sound.  I hear what I interpret as a uvular roll in Holtej's speech, and in
>a few cases for MO (but I can't remember which phrases), however in most
>other speech samples, the 'gh' sounds unrolled.

jangpu' Philip:
>By the description in TKD, I've always interpreted it as a voiced
>velar fricative (IPA gamma) - not a trill.

When I first started actually speaking Klingon, I'd thought it was an uvular 
fricative, too. But maHvatlh has actually had the phonemes of Klingon 
verified by MO, and while the full chart appears to have been removed from 
his site (, you can find the phonemes described 
individually, with IPA transcription, at

in which it clearly shows that /gh/ is velar, not uvular.


QeS lagh

not nItoj Hemey ngo' juppu' qan je
(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
     - Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh

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