tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 02 00:07:00 2004

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Re: pronounciation of 'gh'

Lieven L. Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am Thu, 2 Sep 2004 06:37:13 +0200 hat Philip Newton 
<[email protected]> geschrieben:

> By the description in TKD, I've always interpreted it as a voiced
> velar fricative (IPA gamma) - not a trill.

Agreed. Also when listening to the tapes I found that out.
When you listen to KCD language Lab, Gowron does a good on job on saying
bIjeghghghbe'chughghghghgh vaj bIHeghghghgh

gh sounds like a growl in your throught. It resembles the french way to 
start the word "rouge" or "rose". If someone speaks arabic, then compare it 
to the letter *ghayn*.
Even in Germany, some people pronounce R as gh, as long as it's rolled in 
the back of your mouth, not using your tongue. This gives them problems to 
distinguish par/pagh, by the way.

in German, {ghIt} rhymes with "Ritt", and {ghogh} with "Rohre".

To say gh put your tongue as if you were to say a G, but then let the 
tongue loose and hum to it: almost like GRRR, but softer and voiced.


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