tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 28 19:53:49 2004

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it; SIS

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

In a message dated 2004-03-28 1:55:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> >in English: "It's clear to me that..." What is "It"? If you ask someone 
> >what
> >"It" means in "It's clear to me that...", they'll probably stand there with
> >a confused look for a while, then repeat their sentence.
> Isn't the "it" in that situation acting like an "inverse-<'e'>"?
> It refers to the entire sentence after "that".
the way i think of "it" in sentences like these is that it is (!) strictly a 
dummy subject for the verb when it would otherwise have none.  it has no 
reference at all, and doesn't mean anything.  it's role is strictly to fill the 
required grammar slot of subject.  klingon doesn't do this, of course, since its 
verbs do not require explicit subjects.  the subject of "SIS" (the sky?) may 
be so self-evident that it is unnecessary in ordinary use.
lay'tel SIvten

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