tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 28 10:52:18 2004

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that (was: That's not canon)

De'vID jonwI' ([email protected])

QeS lagh:
>If {SISlu'} is not great, maybe there's no explicit subject on {SIS}, like
>in English: "It's clear to me that..." What is "It"? If you ask someone 
>"It" means in "It's clear to me that...", they'll probably stand there with
>a confused look for a while, then repeat their sentence.

Isn't the "it" in that situation acting like an "inverse-<'e'>"?
It refers to the entire sentence after "that".

    "The sky is falling"
    "It is clear to me that (the sky is falling)", i.e.
        "That (the sky is falling) is clear to me"

It looks exactly like an "inverse-<'e'>" -- it acts as the
subject of the verb and refers to the next sentence!

This is probably wrong from a linguistic point of view but that's
what I thought as soon as I saw it.


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