tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 28 02:22:34 2004

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Re: about

Lieven L . Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 28.03.2004 06:37:07, schrieb [email protected]:

>how can i translate (or convey) the idea of 'about' as in 'this book is about 
>biology' or 'i'm thinking about my last birthday party'?

Think about how you would say it in english, without using the word "about".

"The book describes/explains/shows/considers biology"

There are too many different possibilities for the word 'about', it's very context related.
Sometimes a Klingon word includes the idea "about":

   {loQ 'oy'DI' SuvwI' bepbe'.}
   "A warrior does not complain ABOUT physical discomfort."
   literally: "if a warriors aches slightly, he does not complain."

   {buS} vt. "concentrate on, focus on, think only ABOUT"

   {SaH} v. "care (ABOUT), be concerned (ABOUT); 
   "I don't care [about it]"

two slang espressions:
   {to'waQ yIyIv.} 
   "Take your time thinking about it!"

   "I am positive (about something I just said)"

These are no translations for "about", but examples that show that it's possible to say it without using the 
word. For instance, your "I'm thinking about my birthday" is just {qoSwIj vIbuS}.


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