tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 15 14:04:17 2004

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Re: Imperatives with {-eghmoH}, round 2

QeS lagh ([email protected])

mujangpu' weQqul:

>'ej jIjatlhqa', naQbe' 'e' tlhIngan Hol HochHommeyvam latlh.

You don't need {'e'} here; {naQbe'} is all you need.

{HochHommeyvam}? "These mosts"? chaq bIjatlh DaneH:

{naQbe' latlh tlhIngan HolHommeyvam}

>  and as i said before, these other dialects are not complete.  I don't see 
>how it would be possible for anyone to learn them.

Don't forget: {ta' Hol} is also incomplete. We're given new words in HolQeD 
all the time. These dialectal differences are largely phonological (Krotmag, 
Tak'ev and Morskan) and lexical (Vospeg) (although there are some 
grammatical features noted for these dialects - check out the Sakrej example 
below). It's possible to incorporate these differences:

{ta' Hol}: HIvje'vo' jItlhutlh   "I drink from the cup"
Morskan: hIvje'vo' jIghluts   "I drink from the cup"

{ta' Hol}: cheSvel vItuQ   "I'm wearing a sleeveless coat"
{voSpegh}: cheSvel vItuQ   "I'm wearing a coat"

{ta' Hol}: jIH bIngDaq qaleghpu'   "I saw you below me"
{Sa'Qej}: bIngwIjDaq qaleghpu'   "I saw you below me"


QeS lagh

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