tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 12 10:18:50 2004

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Eric Andeen ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']


>>> vIchennISmoH
>>> I know it seems confusing, but the suffixes have to be in this
>>> order.  It's ambiguous between "need to cause it to take form"=20
>>> and "cause it to need to take form."  Same thing with any other=20
>>> word, like ghojnISmoH, mISnISmoH, etc.=20


>> so you are saying that it means both things?

> HIja'.

Usually in context, only one of the two meanings will make sense, or the
difference won't matter. For example, when I say <juH vIchennISmoH>, I
think it's fairly clear that I need to build a house - "I cause the
house to need to take form" doesn't make much sense, except maybe when
dealing with self-assembling nanoparticles.

Once you've been speaking tlhIngan Hol for a while, you get to a point
where suffix order is automatic, and <chenmoHnIS> sounds really weird.


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