tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 10 23:32:15 2004

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Re: tuj luSpetmey

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ja'pu' De'vID:
>For example, does a <Hov> have a <ghor>?

ja' Quvar:
>Does a STAR have a surface of a PLANET? yIQubchu'! ;-)

jang ghunchu'wI':
>In the definition of {ghor}, the phrase "of a planet" is in parentheses.  I
>consider it an example of the meaning, not a restriction on what it may
>apply to.  I think {ghor} obviously fits moons and asteroids, even though
>they might not technically be planets.  The only problem I might have with
>using {ghor} when discussing {Hov} is the question of exactly what a star's
>surface *is*.

maQochbe'. 'e' vIja'pu'. SIp yuQ'a' muD veH DelmeH {ghor} wIlo'laHchugh, Hov 
SIp moQ veH DelmeH {ghor} wIlo'laH. Subqu'be' bIH. 'ach mu' Delchu'meH ghor 
wIleghnISlaH'a'? 'ach ghor wIHotnISlaH'a'? jISovbe'.
'ej moQ Sub {ghor}'e' ngaSbogh SIp yuQ'a' 'oH'a' {ghor}Daj? pagh yuQ muD veH 
'oH'a'? Hoch moQmey ghaj'a' je {ghor}mey? {taj moQ ghor ghItlhlu'pu' 'ej 
qeylIS qab cha'} wIjatlhlaH'a'?

vIpoDmoH: jItlhob, jItlhobqa', jItlhobqa'qu'... qay'a' {taj moQ ghor 
ghItlhlu'pu' 'ej qeylIS qab cha'}?

voragh, chaq juQaHlaH. *canon* ghItlhtaHvIS Okrand, {ghor} lo'pu''a'?

DaH, DIvI' Hol:

This is what I was talking about earlier; if we can use {ghor} for the 
border of a gas giant planet's atmosphere, then we should be able to use it 
for the border of a star's photosphere (I think). Neither is particularly 

(Cue rhetorical questions here. {{:D)
But is a surface something that is visual, or something that is tactile? I 
have no clue which applies in Klingon (although I would guess that the 
visual would be more important).
And is the {ghor} of a gas giant the surface of its solid core, or is it the 
border of the atmosphere?
(End rhetorical questions)

And do all spheres have a {ghor}, whether they're planets or not? Can we say 
{taj moQ ghor ghItlhlu'pu' 'ej qeylIS qab cha'} "the surface of the knife's 
pommel is engraved with Kahless's face"?

In short: Questions, questions, questions... and do we have a problem with 
{taj moQ ghor ghItlhlu'pu' 'ej qeylIS qab cha'} vis-a-vis the use of {ghor}?

Voragh, maybe you can save us. Has {ghor} been used in canon?


QeS lagh

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