tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 08 11:05:17 2004

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Re: imperatives of verbs of quality

Alan Anderson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

ja'pu' SuStel:
>KGT taught us that when imperatives are used with verbs ofquality,
>>non-idiomatic speech requires that they take the {-'egh} and the{-moH}

ja' SIvten:
>here is the relevant text from kgt (p. 117):
>the first word is "generally", thus these suffixes are not required, even in
>non-idiomatic use.

The first word is "generally" because it's describing the typical case.  It
is followed by a description of the specific atypical case when an
imperative "state of being" verb is *not* accompanied by {-'egh} and
{-moH}.  The implied distinction is clear:  states of being need the
suffixes, and activities do not.

If you left them off verbs of quality whenever you wanted to, you'd no
longer be "generally" using them.  As awkward as it might seem at first,
this rule of usage is as valid as the one which says to put the suffixes in
the proper order.

[Note:  I myself tend to leave them off.  It's not a matter of style or a
disagreement with the rules.  It's a common mistake that I haven't yet
trained myself to avoid.]

-- ghunchu'wI'

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