tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 08 06:33:27 2004

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imperatives of verbs of quality

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

20040225 qon SuStel:
>KGT taught us that when imperatives are used with verbs ofquality, 
non-idiomatic speech requires that they take the {-'egh} and the{-moH} suffixes.  
here is the relevant text from kgt (p. 117):

>Generally, when a verb describing a state of being (for
example, {tuj} ["be hot"]) is used in the imperative form, 
the suffixes {-egh} (reflexive suffix) and {-moH} ("cause")
are used as well:  {yItuj'eghmoH ("Heat yourself!" -- that
is, "Cause yourself to be hot!"), {yItaD'eghmoH!} ("Freeze
yourself!"--that is, "Cause yourself to be frozen!").  When 
{taD} is used in the idiomatic sense of "not move," how-
ever, it is treated as if a verb describing an activity, such
as {yIt} ("walk"): {yIyIt!} ("Walk!").

the first word is "generally", thus these suffixes are not required, even in 
non-idiomatic use.

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