tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 07 14:57:38 2004

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Re: Did Hoch, now pagh...

Quvar ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

At the qepHom, we also talked about the word {Hoch}, related to the question, if one could attach {-be'} 
to a noun like {Hoch}, meaning "not all". The answer is NO of course, but how do you say 

   "Not all Klingons have a beard"
   (i.e. most do have, but not all)

without getting the phrase
   "All Klingons don't have a beard."
   (i.e. no klingon has a beard)

Do you see the problem?
Any problem??

Interesting question.
I'll send some more tomorrow.
qepHomDaq jatlhmeH poHwIj nI' law' QongmeH poHwIj nI' puS.
DaH jIDoy'.

Quvar 'utlh.

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