tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 05 16:07:33 2004

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Re: luSpet <<ghor>> qechmey

De'vID jonwI' ([email protected])

QeS lagh:
>Other ideas (all totally theories; please add your thoughts):
>{ghorHey} "apparent surface"
>{moQHey} "apparent sphere"

<-Hey> suggests that the speaker (a hypothetical Klingon
astrophysicist) isn't sure about the thing described.  But the
speaker *does* know what it is, we are the ones who don't know
what he calls it.

>{('otlh/tlham) veH} "(photon/gravity) boundary"

This one I like.  Based on the use of <veH> in <Hov leng vagh>,
the word <veH> is used for astrophysical boundaries.  The
"Great Barrier" shown in that movie appeared to have been made
of energy, so <veH> can apparently refer to boundaries which are
not "hard"/"solid".

>{ghor rurbogh luSpet veH} "black hole boundary that resembles a planet's

'ach ghor rur'a' luSpet veH?

>{luSpet 'otlh narghmeH veH}, "black hole's photon's escaping boundary"
>{luSpet veH'e' lunarghlaHbe'bogh 'otlh} "boundary of a black hole, which
>photons cannot escape"
>{luSpet tlham veH'e' lunarghlaHbe'bogh 'otlh} "boundary of a black hole's
>gravity which photons cannot escape"
>The last two are my personal favourites of these; they use subordinate 
>instead of going in so hard for the noun (see below), and are also quite
>descriptive in just one subordinate clause. You could probably expand on
>these ideas far better than I could. :D

Well they certain describe what the event horizon is, but it would
be like a Terran physicist saying "the boundary around a black hole
which photons cannot escape due to gravity" instead of "event
horizon".  Perhaps those are the Klingon technical terms, and once
the context has been defined, the Klingon clips it to just <luSpet

I personally like the word <ghangwI'> which is literally "that which
ends prematurely", which I think is a very apt description. But a
Klingon might not agree with me. :)


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