tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 30 15:20:48 2004

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Re: {'Iv}

Lieven L. Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:29:43 -0700 (PDT) hat ...Paul <[email protected]> 

> Depends on a number of factors.  Do you consider a sentence such as
> /tlhIngan maH/ as "verbless"?

Yes. Definitely yes. At least from a tlhIngan Hol point of view.

TKD 5. other kinds of words:
"By far the bulk of Klingon words are nouns and verbs. There are a few 
others which, probably as an expedient, Klingon grammarians lump together 
in a group called {chuvmey} "leftovers." It is possible to classify the 
{chuvmey} somewhat.

5.1. Pronouns

In addition to possessive suffixes for nouns (section 3.3.4) and pronominal 
prefixes for verbs (section 4.1), there is a set of nine [sic] ten pronouns 
which are independent words."

{tlhIngan maH} is "noun-pronoun"

Don't forget, further:
"Finally, pronouns can be used as verbs, in the sense of "I am," etc. (See 
section 6.3)."

This means {maH} might have the function of a verb and is hence translated 
in english into a verb, but  it is still a pronoun.

> Do you consider /HIja'/ a sentence unto itself?


TKD 5.5 Exclamations

These expressions stand as sentences in their own right.

    {ghobe'} "No." (response to a question)
    {HIja'} or {HISlaH} "Yes." (response to a question)

(chaq qayajchu'be', 'ach reH Daj ghu' tlhIngan Hol qeqlu'DI')

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