tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 03 14:06:55 2004

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S31: {maq} vs. {'e' maq}

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

Shouldn't this last sentence of S31 have {'e'} before {maq}?  Or is {maq} 
like {jatlh}?
ghoS tlhIngan SuvwI' maq.   

lay'tel SIvten

Here is the entire text of the card:

HeghDI' tlhIngan SuvwI' pagh tlhIngan SuvwI' HoHlu'DI' Heghtay lulop latlh 
tlhInganpu'. Heghtay luloptaHvIS chaH chaq bey SeQ lujach. Heghpu'bogh tlhIngan 
mInDu' lupoSmoHlu'. beyHom bey bey'a' jachtaH latlh tlhInganpu'. yay 'oS bey. 
'IQ pagh. Heghpu'bogh latlhpu' ghuHmoH bey. ghoS tlhIngan SuvwI' maq.    

When a Klingon warrior dies or is killed, other Klingons may perform a 
ceremonial howl or yell as part of the Klingon death ritual. The eyes of the fallen 
Klingon are opened and others roar in a great crescendo. This yell is 
victorious in nature, rather than mournful and also serves to warn the other dead that 
a Klingon warrior is coming.

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