tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 09:50:02 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good?

[email protected] writes:

> > the KLI and other participants should get together with 
> > Paramount, and  Okrand, throw up a pow-wow so-to-speak, and come up
> with a full 
> > length motion  picture completely in tlhIngan Hol. 
> *drops comic book long enough to scream* SWEET.
> Wonderful idea. In fact, why even bother writing a new script to start
> Barring that, a "modern" movie, set after the end of DS9 (with Martok a
> more competent Qang than Gowron) could be undertaked from a completely
> klingon perspective. You could treat it as sci-fi's answer to Crouching
> Tiger, Hidden Dragon (also none in Cantonese as "Greatest Freakin' GungFu
> Film of All Time" lol). I mean, it'd hafta have betleH fights, meqleH
> skirmishes...spear warfare...some space battles...lotsa explosions, and
> more collateral damage than Godzilla. I'd pay $7 to see it. More than
> once, actually.
Given the expense of a full-length live action movie, I've often thought
that CGI animation was the way to go.  You wouldn't have any trouble
with sets or costumes. Battle scenes would have to be FX-heavy
anyway, so why not do the whole thing in the computer? You could
also take the time to get your actors' pronuncation correct.

I've surfed a lot of amateur short-film sites. It's a rapidly growing
and well-respected field of endeavour, and a 20 minute or so animated
film is not out of the reach of a dedicated individual. It could be done
in pieces by people all over the world (one to animate the backgrounds,
one for each character, one to do the music, actors from all over
recording their part and e-mailing it in...).  If it was done by
fans and available for download and not for sale, I think you'd 
avoid most copyright issues.

If it became well-known, it could even serve as the impetus (or
nucleus) for that full-length theatrical production we'd all
love to see.

-- ter'eS

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