tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 11 22:16:39 2003

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Re: Bad Klingon

>Qebmey Joh
>Sum J.R.R. K'tolkien
>Pak Ca'
>'Ay' Los
>Hurg Daq leF
>Qibli', 'ej wovmohwi'li' mac nom, Cah MevmeH ram. Cahli'ku' doy'. Hudli' So'
>maswoV, 'ej susli' biR.

ja' "Sangqar (Sean Healy)" <[email protected]>:
>It seems as though this was computer-generated for the KLI font.  (Perhaps
>someone who has the font can say for sure.)

It's close enough.  Usually stuff using the "KLIpIqaDmey" font is in all
capital letters, but I don't know of any other fonts which map {q} -> "k"
and {ng} -> "f".  I'm guessing it's just had the capitalization modified
somewhere along the way.

>Is there a Klingon 'translator'
>out there somewhere that outputs this sort of mangled attempt at the
>warriors' tongue?

"Speak Klingon Badly" does.  I don't recall the web site, and I don't
really feel like looking it up right now.  I don't really think it should
be made available anyway.

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