tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 11 22:16:21 2003

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online chat (was Re: Help with Klingon.)

ja' [email protected]:
>Hello, I'm pretty new with the Klingon language and i was wondering: do any
>of you have aol so we can talk online about the usage with the language?

America Online is not the only way to chat.  Both AOL and non-AOL users can
use ICQ and AIM, which work like AOL's built-in instant messaging.  IRC is
a multi-user conferencing system that lets several people talk among each
other, similar to AOL's "chat rooms".

Some years ago, the official place for Klingonists to talk online was a
MUSH -- sort of a cross between a chat room and an interactive adventure
game.  It was unailable for a while, but it's now back in a somewhat
abbreviated form.  There hasn't been a lot of activity lately, but I hope
we can work on that.

If you have a MUSH/MUD/MUCK/MOO client program such as SimpleMU or
TinyFugue, or if you're comfortable with Telnet, you can connect to the
KLI's MUSH at, port 2218.  Take a look around and get
comfortable with the environment.  Sometime in the next month I'd like to
organize a "virtual qepHom", with at least one (hopefully more) experienced
Klingonist online and ready to welcome newcomers.

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