tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 08 21:52:06 2003

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Bad Klingon

There's a thread going on over at the Straight Dope Forum entitled "What if 
someone else had written Lord of the Rings?" (or something similar).  
Someone posted this (my comments in parentheses):

Qebmey Joh (Qebmey joH)
Sum J.R.R. K'tolkien (bad bad bad Anglicism - took me a while to figure out 
he meant 'by' JRR Tolkien - I was wondering what the heck 'Tolkien is near' 
had to do with anything)

Pak Ca' (paq cha')

'Ay' Los ('ay' loS)

Hurg Daq leF (leng HurghDaq - apparently supposed to be Journey in the Dark, 
title of Book II, chapter 4)

Qibli', 'ej wovmohwi'li' mac nom, Cah MevmeH ram. Cahli'ku' doy'. Hudli' So' 
maswoV, 'ej susli' biR. (nom machchoHqa' QIb wovmoHwI' je, chaH mevmoH ram.  
Doy'qu' chaH.  HuD So' maSwov, 'ej bIr SuS.)

The above is the best I can do restricting myself to this person's choice of 
words (although I had to change some suffixes).  In English, the lines are:

It was evening, and the grey light was again waning fast, when they halted 
for the night.  They were very weary.  The mountains were veiled in 
deepening dusk, and the wind was cold.

'The shadows and the lamps were growing small again' is a really poor 
translation, but it was the only grammatical way I could put together those 

It seems as though this was computer-generated for the KLI font.  (Perhaps 
someone who has the font can say for sure.)  Is there a Klingon 'translator' 
out there somewhere that outputs this sort of mangled attempt at the 
warriors' tongue?

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