tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 28 13:16:54 2003

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Re: KLBC love

> > ... there should exist a verb for "love". It's just
> > that the Federation linguists hadn't discovered it, so there is much
> > work left in researching the Klingon culture.
> This does not follow.  In different languages, there are often words
> that exist in one that don't exist in another.
> Given the Klingon propensity to drink and toast, one might conclude that
> there must be a noun for "drink" or "beverage."  But there isn't.  We have
> been told (in KLINGON FOR THE GALACTIC TRAVELER) that there is no such word.
> (There IS a word for "alcohol", /HIq/, but if you're talking about a
> non-alcoholic beverage you have to name the beverage.)

KGT p83:
"The term for food of any kind (including beverages) is Soj."

Apparently to klingons, everthing consumed, whether solid or liquid, is refered 
to merely as Sop "food".  The only way to differentiate is to specificly name 
the food or use it with one of the verbs; Sop, tlhutlh, 'ep.

The verbs are broken into more specifics than english.
The nouns are either a very general label (Sop), or you have to name a specific 
one.  There doesn't seem to be as many sub-classes as english.

"Love" is a very vague, general word.  In klingon, you have to use a more 
specific verb (like those already presented).


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