tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 12 09:37:30 2003

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Re: KLBC:{ben}

From: "Quvar valer" <[email protected]>

> ghIthl ngabwI':
> >cha'maH chorgh ben, jIbogh.
> >cha'maH chorgh ben jIH.
> >Which one is correct for "I am 28 years old"?
> Marc Okrand said:
>   {loSmaH ben jIboghpu'.}
>   "I was born 40 years ago"
> What you said, {cha'maH chorgh ben, jIbogh} means literally "I *am*
born...". With the {-pu'}, it means that you have
> "finished being born", so you are born already. So, if you say {wa' ben
jIboghpu'}, then it's also correct: Last year, you
> were born already.
> Every living being can say {jIboghpu'} "I was born", because it's a fact.
When one adds a time, like {loSmaH ben} "40
> years ago", it says *when* the {jIboghpu'} happened.

This keeps getting stated quite confidently by list members, but it has no
basis in the Klingon language.

>   {jIbogh}
>   "I'm born"
>   ("I'm being born")


I am born.
I was born.
I will be born.

It's not just one of these.  Which of these it is is unstated.

>   {jIboghpu'}
>   "I have been born"
>   ("the action of being born is completed")

Or "I will have been born" or "I had been born."  The sentence doesn't say;
it could be any of these.

>   {loSmaH ben jIboghpu'.}
>   "I was born 40 years ago"
>  ("it was 40 years ago that I have been born")

It means "40 years ago I had been born."  The /loSmaH ben/ provides tense
for the English translation.

I see no reason why people should have seen Okrand's sentence and concluded
that the /-pu'/ was specially required.  In English I would say "I was born
29 years ago," but it's only an approximation.  In Klingon I can say
/cha'maH Hut ben jIbogh/ and it's EXACTLY the same sentence.

Don't bother to drag out the "Klingons may be inaccurate, but they are never
approximate" line.  /cha'maH Hut ben jIboghpu'/ doesn't make the sentence
one whit more precise (maybe a little less literally erroneous, but not any
more precise).  /wa'Hu' jIboghpu'/ is, in this literal-minded
interpretation, just as useful a sentence, but it's not practical at all.

And I don't find Okrand's sentence to be completely wrong, either.  /-pu'/
indicates a completed action, NOT necessarily one that occurred prior to the
time context, though that is usually the case.

To sum up: Okrand's use of /-pu'/ is not the ultimate truth about telling
your age.  In fact, it's probably not even right.  He goofed again.

Stardate 3117.4

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