tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 12 03:51:01 2003

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Re: KLBC:{ben}

ghIthl ngabwI':

>cha'maH chorgh ben, jIbogh.
>cha'maH chorgh ben jIH.
>Which one is correct for "I am 28 years old"?

Marc Okrand said:
  {loSmaH ben jIboghpu'.} 
  "I was born 40 years ago"

What you said, {cha'maH chorgh ben, jIbogh} means literally "I *am* born...". With the {-pu'}, it means that you have 
"finished being born", so you are born already. So, if you say {wa' ben jIboghpu'}, then it's also correct: Last year, you 
were born already.
Every living being can say {jIboghpu'} "I was born", because it's a fact. When one adds a time, like {loSmaH ben} "40 
years ago", it says *when* the {jIboghpu'} happened.

  "I'm born"
  ("I'm being born")

  "I have been born"
  ("the action of being born is completed")

  {loSmaH ben jIboghpu'.} 
  "I was born 40 years ago"
 ("it was 40 years ago that I have been born")

Beginners' Grammarian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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