tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 28 09:10:57 2001

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Re: mI' bom 'ej Dap

>mI' bom 'ej Dap

The song dances and eavesdrops? :-)

ja' qurgh lungqIj:
>...complete nonsense just done to rhyme.
>When she asked if Klingon had similar songs I realised they didn't...

Theoretically, Klingons do have such songs.  KGT page 78:

   "...the {Dap bom} (literally, "nonsense son"), which teaches and
   reinforces Klingon musical patterns, even though the words
   themselves are, for the most part, meaningless."

In practice, there are very few songs of any sort that are known widely
enough for many people to be able to sing them.  Captain Krankor's Imperial
Anthem almost qualifies as a rhyming nonsense song in certain circles;
there are groups of people who sing it while having absolutely no idea what
the words mean.  Has Seqram's children's counting song been "published"

Many translated songs exist as well, but they're generally not all that
simple to learn.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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