tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 27 12:02:52 2001

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mI' bom 'ej Dap

I was sitting up late last night and my fiance tried to teach me a short
german song which helped her learn the numbers, when I asked her to
translate I found out that it was complete nonsense just done to rhyme.

When she asked if Klingon had similar songs I realised they didn't, so I
made one up on the spot. It went:

wa' cha' wej'
targhlIj vItlhej
loS vagh jav
nom meQ nav
Soch chorgh Hut
DaH rIn lut

It's nice and simple, and she picked it up pretty quickly. She was even
singing it in the morning...

After writing that I remembered how when I was a kid I loved nonsense
poems and quickly wrote down another one, loosely inspired by "Thorty
porple boids":

wejmaH yIH SuD
teppa'Daq ba'taH  (not sure if that should be luba'taH)
jawtaH 'ej SeptaH
'ej tIr lam luSop

The orginal didn't rhyme either, so I didn't feel too bad about that. ;)

Thought I would submit these so they could get ripped to shreads and I
could learn something. :)

qurgh lungqIj

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