tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 26 19:06:38 2001

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Re: quraq's saying of the day-klbc

ja' [email protected]:
>I am trying to say a true warrior turns a disadvantage into a advantage

qatlh qechvam Qatlh Dajatlh DaneH?

Why do you wish to say this particular thing?  It's got words and concepts
that don't well match what we know how to do in Klingon.  As an exercise in
learning the language, it's far too advanced to be very useful.

[For someone who is already able to express ideas well in Klingon, trying
to say things like this is often a fun challenge, but it's an exercise in
rephrasing the core idea rather than translating.]

I will point to Skybox card SP2, which has the incompletely grammatical
phrase {not Hub'eghrupHa' lo'wI'} "...the user is never caught at a

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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