tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 26 21:41:03 2001

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Re: Pronunciation [was RE: K'Zhen Zu-Merz]

ja' HomDoq:
>and I agree with qe'San on that a pronounciation of {aw} with a
>full Vowel-Semivowel rather than a diphthong seems to be "overcorrect";

The label "semivowel" is something I'd like to avoid using when describing
the sounds of Klingon.  Maybe "glide" would be more appropriate?  I'm
trying to use a word that refers to a consonant that is capable of being
extended indefinitely, as opposed to a stop or affricate.

What you hear as "overcorrect" is quite possibly a part of the "alien"
sound of Klingon.  Retroflex {S} and {D} and carefully enunciated {q} might
sound "overcorrect" to many people, but that's how Klingon is supposed to
be pronounced.

>I would have to follow a full semivowel {w} or {y} at the end of a
>syllable with a weak vowel sound, similar to how Okrand describes
>the pronounciation of syllable-final {'}

Very interesting -- that's *exactly* how I find myself pronouncing words
like {qaw} and {puy} when I try to do it carefully. :)  The "weak vowel
sound" comes out as more of a whispered "h" than anything else.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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