tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 08 09:03:30 2001

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re: Mincing Words

> From: [email protected]
> Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 16:53:16 EST
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Recently, a very kind individual has assisted me with a few translations.
> I  will not name names to protect the innocent.  I will allow that person
> to  reveal him/herself if he/she wishes.
> This individual was uncertain if some of you were commending or
> challenging  me because of the uncertainty of typos.  If you are
> challenging me, then I  accept.  I may be physically frail and weak, but
> I have a heart of fire.  I  am a warrior who prefers to die -- and
> probably will -- defending my honor,  than to cower away like a bully.  I
> believe that every day is a good day to  die.

I don't care about typos. I don't care about frailty. You get no more and 
no less respect from me for being strong or frail. Until you describe 
yourself, in this context of only words, I have no means of measuring your 
strength, nor do you mine. What I DO care about is keeping this message 
list on topic. There is only one rule and it is a simple one:

All posts here must either have the Klingon language as its topic, or they 
must use the language. Talk about whatever you like, so long as you say it 
in Klingon, or write in whatever language you like (though English will get 
you more responses) so long as you write about the language.

You are doing neither in your message. I do not respect that.

And so that I do not violate the rules I am professing:

QaghHomlIj vISaHbe'. bIpujchugh qoj bIHoSchugh jISaHbe'. qavuvDI' qoj 
qavuvHa'DI' HoSlIj vIqelbe'. HoSlIj ngoQ neH vISaH. QIn tetlhvamDaq 
bIDel'eghpa' HoSlIj vIchovlaHbe'. jIDel'eghpa' HoSwIj DachovlaHbe'. 
QIntetlhvam ngoQ vISaHchu'. wa' chut neH poQ:

naDev tlhIngan Hol lo'nIS Hoch QIn qoj tlhIngan Hol qelnIS Hoch QIn. 
tlhIngan Hol Dalo'taHvIS qechlIj SaHbe'lu'. qay'be'. tlhIngan Hol 
DaqeltaHvIS Hol Dalo'bogh SaHbe'lu' ('ach DIvI' Hol maSlu' jatlhlaHmo' 

chutvam DabIvpu' 'e' vIvuvHa'.

'ej chutvam vIchupbogh vIpabmeH:

> SarrIS:  I do understand the meaning of the word "Peace."  I have fought
> many  battles -- physically, mentally, and emotionally -- against people
> who wished  to attack me because I am physically frail.  Each time, I
> have come away  stronger but wishing that things did not have to be this
> way.  I prefer  people to have tolerance for one another and to attempt
> to "get along."   (Don't get me wrong.  I will fight anyone with any or
> no weapons to protect  my honor and will rejoice at the thrill of victory
> or defeat.  I am happy  with knowing that I have defended my honor -- and
> maybe letting people know  to not mess with me in the future because I
> will defend myself -- and walk  away from each experience learning
> something.)

roj SuqmeH tlhoblu'chugh ghu' vIvoq. SuvchuqQo'DI' nuvpu' 'ej qaDchuqQo'DI' 
nuvpu' 'ej voqchuq nuvpu' roj chaH. <<roj, roj, roj!>> lujatlhDI' 'ej 
maqqa' 'ej maqqa' rojHa'choH. vay' voqHa'moH ghu'vam.

I believe that peace is not something that one asks of another. I believe 
that peace is something that is offered from both sides, or it does not 
exist at all. The request for peace itself dispells peace because it 
engages the exchange of power that true peace does not involve.

rap tIqchaj 'e' lughovDI' roj chaH. jatlhlu'DI' <<roj!>> pImlaw' tIqchaj 
net pIH. chaq qoy'be'lu'chugh HIvlu' net pIH. tIqwIj voqHa'choHmoH mu'vam. 
jIvaQchoHbe'meH chIch jItam'eghnISchoHmoH. <<qatlh roj chupnIS nuvvam? taj 

Peace is that which exists between peers who recognize that which is common 
between them. The request for peace immediately suggests a difference 
between the one making and the one receiving the request. It assumes 
agression would happen without the request and so, to my heart, it stirs 
agression that would likely not have existed without the request. It raises 
my hackles and causes me to struggle with a new need to calm myself where 
there was no need before the request. "Why does this person so distrust me 
that she feels a need to request peace? Is there a daggar beneath her soft 

rojna' 'oHbe' roj'e' jatlhlu'bogh. *Tao* rur.

Like the Tao, the peace that can be spoken is not the true peace.

vaj Degh DaDI' mu' roj jatlhqa'lu'bogh, nuvvam vIvoqHa'.

And so, I have an inherant distrust of those who wear peace like a flower 
on their lapel.

> I believe that even the most  evil people have at least a
> small amount of good inside of them, and I strive  to find that good in
> everyone.

mIghbe' nuvpu'. QaQbe' nuvpu'. rut mIgh qechmey. rut QaQ qechmey. rut 
qechmeyvam toy' nuvpu' 'ej nuvpu'vam luQaHnISlu' pagh nuvpu'vam luSuvnISlu' 
'ach reH choHtaH nuvpu'. not nuvpu' noHlaHchu' vay'.

People are neither good nor evil. Sometimes their ideas are good or evil 
and sometimes people take action based upon these ideas, and so we must 
help them or fight them, but the people themselves are capable of changing, 
and incapable of not changing. It is best not to judge them as if they were 

> These are some of the reasons why I prefer to  express my
> belief in "Peace!"  Also, I was not challenging you.  I was  telling you
> to live with my "signature," or you will be challenged.

qatlh jISaH 'e' vIghel.

And I asked you why you thought I should care.

> If you  can't
> live with it, then you are a coward for not being able to accept other
> people's beliefs and desires.

not nuch jIH. chopumchugh bInepba'mo' qaSaHbe'. jatlhlaHba' batlhwIj. 
bIram. qaSuvnISbe'.

> I do not know you all too well, SarrIS,
> but do  believe that you are good for assisting people to learn the
> Klingon language;  however, let me tell you this and allow this to serve
> as your only warning:   Do not cross my path.  I will challenge you, and
> it will be to the death.

choqaDchugh bIHeghrup. Do' wej choqaDbej.

> Valerie  :-)~
> Peace!



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