tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 07 23:23:11 2001

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Re: Mincing Words

ja' Valerie:
>Recently, a very kind individual has assisted me with a few translations...

mu'mey QIjta'ba' ghaH, 'ach QIn'e' QIj'a'?  naDev wa' chut'a' pabnISlu':
tlhIngan Hol Dalo'be'chugh, tlhIngan Hol yIqel.
DIvI' Hol neH Dalo'chugh, bIvID 'e' yImev.
qaDmey chaw'lu'bej...tlhIngan Hol Dalo'chugh.

That individual should probably have included some commentary with one of
the phrases that was translated.  You're posting lots of text, none of it
in Klingon and much of it not considering Klingon.  That goes against the
rules of this mailing list.  There's one basic guideline here:  Speak in
Klingon or about it.  Debates about the nature of peace and honor
challenges are fine -- but as long as you're not speaking Klingon, please
don't do it here.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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