tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 17 10:24:41 2000

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VOCAB question: engineering, departments, universities, courses

One of the things that I plan to do (eventually) is to have a
web page in Klingon.  

I'm stuck for some vocabulary.  HIQaH!

"Department" - that is, a branch of a university dealing with a
particular subject matter.  What I want to say is "Department of 
Electrical and Computer Engineering", which I imagine would be
{'ul, De'wI' je jonwI' X}, where X = "department".  
The only sort of rank/divisions I see in known vocabulary are
military terms.  Perhaps {waw'} "military base" is a bit 
too militaristic, but it's appropriately Klingon though.  I know 
people use {yaH} for "office", but it's not quite the same
as a "Department".  Would {yaH'a'} work?

"University" - Most likely to be {DuSaQ'a'}.  Is there a way to 
indicate "university" rather than "college"?  (There are several 
other colleges in my city, though they have different names,
so likely {DuSaQ'a'} is specific enough.)

{naD} "commendation" - Is that close enough?  (Then perhaps
{naDHom} for Bachelor, {naD} for Master's, {naD'a'} for 

"Graduate Student"
How would one indicate a Master's level student as opposed
to an undergraduate?  (Or a Ph.D. from a Master's?)  I know
these words don't exist in Klingon, but I'm tempted to go 
with military ranks, then provide a legend showing the
correlation.  Presumably Starfleet Academy gives ranks such as
cadet, etc. and I could just use the equivalents.  (Or perhaps 
I just go with dull phrases like {naDHom ghajbogh ghojwI'}.)

Is there a way to describe a course (i.e. a series of classes,
tests, etc.)?  I have {paQDI'norgh} for "teachings", so maybe
{paQDI'norgh tlhegh} might work.

A period of study.  I think {DuSaQ poH} "school period" works
in context.

"Teaching Assistant"
{boQ} - I think this works.  {[course]vamvaD jIboQ} "I am a
TA for this course"

"Information" vs. "Data"
Besides {De'}, what other words can be used to describe 
"information" and "data"?  I wish to distinguish between the
two meanings.  For a {ngong} "experiment", I can have both
information (about the experiment) and data (obtained from
the experiment).

I'm also looking for website-related words, e.g. "web page",
"forward", "back", "link", etc. but the KLI's website has
given me some ideas on that.  (It also uses military terms
such as {Duv} and {HeD}.)

Does anyone else have a web site with a significant amount
of tlhIngan Hol describing themselves, their jobs, etc.?
(I've been to Nick Nicholas' page - any others?)  Any 
university/science/research related web sites in Klingon?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


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