tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 14 19:48:55 1999

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online dictionaries and vocabulary databases

ja' "Sean Robertson" <[email protected]>:
>I think it would be really coo., if someone put a searchable dictionary

Is this in the FAQ?
(Can someone give me a list of all the Klingon words?) comes close.  The
simple answer is that we don't want to offend Paramount's lawyers.  Even
if some of us disagree with their claim that tlhIngan Hol is "owned" by
them (to the point of their claiming that anything written in Klingon is
a "derivative work" of The Klingon Dictionary) the fact remains that the
language gets most of its popularity from Star Trek, which is unarguably

>Someone would have to be willing to convert their listing to a
>database, but it could be done.

In its raw form, my listing *is* a database.  That's where I add all the
new words I find out about.  My printed word list, my grammar-checker
vocabulary file, and my PalmPilot dictionary module are all reports from
that database.  I won't make it universally available, but I am willing
to talk with people off-list about it.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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