tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 18 07:00:42 1999

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Re: S'Qal / KLBC

> ja' S'Qal:
> what are the 'names' of the letters in the klingon alphabet? (ie in english
> we have 'ay' 'bee' 'see' 'cue' 'ess' 'double-u' 'wy' etc).
> most of them for all intents and purposes would be the same, like a, t, y,
> etc, but it gets kind of tedious saying 'big q', 'little q', and
> 'apostrophe' (not to mention 'the t-l-h ligature'!), so do they have names?

You know, S'Qal, I was just wondering about that.....I was translation an old
post in which SuStel & charghwI' were discussing their mutual dislikes of my
personal drug of choice <qa'vIn> suddenly QoghIjwIj went "Clunk!" and FINALLY I
*got* <veychorgh>  DUHhhhh....  But where does the <vey> come from? Is it merely
a phonetic spelling of the letter-sound? Is it okie-dokie to do the Klingon
phonetic job on non-Klingon proper names? It was confusing as ghe''or to attempt
the translation of that sentence without being able to find that word in my
    toH, do we put *'aywa'* on our Ha'DIbaH?
        Is a *bI'vaghmaHcha'* made of Kahlua, Bailey's and GrandMarnier?
            Do you eat *qel'oghDaj  le'qay* for breakfast?.
                of course I am being facetious.
                    (*not puv Dochvam*<English idioms don't work either)
    Qu'vatlh! 6am, Alaska time. jIQongnISqu'!
        pItlh.               pIl'o' (formerly pI'lo)

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