tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 29 19:18:13 1998

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Re: opera: travel thru

ja' muHwI':
>How do I say that, travelling through something? (e.g. travel through
>space). {vegh} is only for something that is around you (a hole).

"Travel" is, of course, {leng}.  "Through something" sounds to me like
{vay'Daq} would work perfectly.  {loghDaq leng} "he travels in space"
is exactly the right idea, isn't it?

As for travelling in time...there's no concept in the known Klingon
vocabulary that considers "time" as a continuum the way {logh} talks
about space.  The locative suffixes are explicitly restricted to use
with spacial concepts, but you might be able to get away with saying
something like {bovvo' leng} or {poHDaq leng} if you were clear enough
about the rest of the context.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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