tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 29 19:17:53 1998

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Re: opera: freeze

ja'pu' muHwI':
>My question:
>taDchoH - freeze? (-> change to be frozen)

ja' SuStel:
>Maybe.  {taD} is, as you know, "be frozen," so {taDchoH} means "become

That sure sounds like "change to be frozen" to me.

>"Freeze" can be one of two things: transitive or intransitive.  "The water
>freezes" uses an intransitive "freeze," while "The ray gun freezes the
>building" uses a transitive "freeze."

"Change to be frozen" is obviously the intransitive usage.

>So, you need to tell us what you're saying.

He *did* tell us what he's saying.  And it was exactly correct.

[Of course, {taD} has an idiomatic usage:   When used to say "Don't move!"
{yItaD} or {petaD} can be translated literally as "Freeze!" without using
any suffixes at all.]

-- ghunchu'wI'

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