tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 25 14:56:24 1998

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Sci-Fi Channel/Nov 30

RE:> ... Yesterday the illustrious Captain Krankor and I arrived at the
>Channel studios and recorded the translations over the original actors. It
>was a tiring and at the same time exhilirating experience. The finished
>product was hilarious and very entertaining, and will surely generate some
>good publicity for the KLI.

>If you're in the USA you should be able to see it when the episode airs
>next Monday, November 30th.


I hope to God someone out there in TV land has the Hardware, Presence of
Mind and GENUINE COMPASSION to make copies available for those not fortunate
enough to be blessed with U.S. cable.

Really. I mean it.  If I still had access to a TV Studio/Editing board I
would do it and make copies for everyone. But I don't - I don't even have
full time access to a TV - and I'm sure there are others out there like me.

(Hey - the troops in the EC will need PAL versions too... any takers?)

A tape of this would be INVALUABLE for qepHommey.


Bryan Potratz - lomqa'
mailto:[email protected]

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