tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 22 23:35:42 1998

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Re: DS9: Once More into the Breach

From: Terrence Donnelly <[email protected]>
>I wouldn't go so far as that.  True, usually it's gibberish, but
>sometimes it almost makes sense.  I'm reminded of Worf's lament
>for Dax, which did not take much re-working to be understandable.
>Also, several seasons ago, Dax said to someone "doko, doko", which
>from the context was clearly supposed to be /(yI)DoghQo'/ "Don't be
>foolish".  Then, too, there are the words like /parmaqqay/ that
>_seem_ to be gibberish, but turn out not to be. 8+)

Pah.  I get the feeling that someone wrote up a Klingon vocabulary list for
the writer's guidelines, with a very few basic words in it (including,
obviously, {SuvwI'}).  The writers just look in this book, and pick a few
words which sound neat.

Stardate 98890.4

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