tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 22 02:45:26 1998

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re: RE: KLBC: interface?


>What kind of "interface" are you talking about. For most hardware
>interfaces, <rarwI'> would work quite well. If you're talking about "user
>interface", then it gets a bit more complicated. I really don't want to get
>into a long discussion of computer science and human(oid) interaction
>factors right now - it's late - but a couple of phrases to consider are
><HaSta> and <De'wI' lo'meH mIw>. If you have questions about these or want
>to discuss it further, please reply.

Say, for example, you were sitting in front of a Star Trek, Federation
computer terminal which can display programs in a variety of languages.
When you activate the terminal, a screen comes up with the sentence
"Please Select Interface Language" in various languages (including
Klingon), the translation I came up with is /jIH Hol yIwIv/.
But /jIH/ does not sound right.  As you said, /jIH/ is a monitor or
viewscreen --a piece of hardware-- and that is not what i'm after.
So, yes it is a user interface.

/De'wI' lo'meH mIw/??

>We have the word <chegh>, which means "return". That should satisfy your

That should work on a website for a "Back" (to Previous Page) option.

>HIja'. qaQaHlaHbej. Qu'wIj 'oH.
>Yes, I can help you. It's my job.

Thanx for your prompt response.

>Beginners' Grammarian

-=* QoreQ *=-

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