tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 13 13:06:21 1998

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Paramount Hol

As I mentioned once before, I am in the process of updating my Paramount
Hol page, and I need to enlist the aid of anyone who can help with
research.  If anyone has any of the season six and seven Deep Space Nine
episodes that feature the Klingon language on tape (aside from "Shadows
and Symbols"), I would appreciate it if you could collect some data for
me.  What I need are the closed-caption spellings, the way the actors
actually pronounce the words, the context the words were used in, and
any definitions you know of or that are apparent.  Also, I know that
many of the more seasoned members have transcripts of all of the movie
dialog from STIII, STV, and STVI.  I would appreciate copies of that
material as well, if at all possible.  Please send submissions to
"[email protected]" as soon as possible.  Right now, progress is
proceeding on the update, but I find that I still need more recent
data... unfortunately, my taped episode collection is virtually
nonexistent.  Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!

For those who don't know about my page: Paramount Hol is the term I
coined for the pseudo-Klingon language we see on the Star Trek TV
shows.  My page is a catalog of all of the words, phrases, songs, and
lines of dialog that have been uttered throughout Star Trek, including
the movies, TNG, DS9, and Voyager.  The page is not really a reliable
reference for the serious student of tlhIngan Hol because of the fact
that many of the words and phrases were invented by the shows' writers
without consulting Okrand or the Klingon Dictionary.  However, it is
interesting and often amusing to check out the incredible amount of this
Paramount Hol that has been used over the 20 years of Klingon language.


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