tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 18 20:59:25 1998

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ghItlh DloraH:

>>When you refer to TKD, this is The Klingon Dictionary, correct?
>> So what' KGT, KCD, and FWIW? Please tell me!
>> Michael

>TKD - The Klingon Dictionary
>CK - Conversational Klingon (tape)
>PK - Power Klingon (tape)
>TKW - The Klingon Way
>KCD - Klingon CD (computer CD)
>KGT - Klingon for the Galactic Traveler (MO's most recent book)
>MO - Marc Okrand
>TOS - The Original Series
>TNG - The Next Generation
>DS9 - Deep Space 9
>VOY - Voyager
>TMP - The Motion Picture (Star Trek 1)
>SKI - Summary for the Klingon Impaired
>IMHO - In My Humble/Honest Opinion
>FWIW - For What Its Worth
>and of course KLI - Klingon Language Institute :)
>Did I forget any?

There's also the most important TLA (three letter acronym) for beginners: 
KLBC - Klingon Language Beginners' Conference/Conversation/Class/Corner/?

I am sure Qov will chime in soon about that.


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