tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 18 19:17:56 1998

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You missed an important one: KLBC.  It stands for "Klingon Language
Beginners' <Something: Corner, Conference, whatever.  The person who
invented the acronym cannot remember.>

If you have a question for the Beginners' Grammarian (Qov), put "KLBC" at
the beginning of your subject line.  This flags the message for Qov so she
knows that there's a beginner with a question, or with some Klingon text
which should be looked over.  It also tells everyone else to keep away from
answering the message (the grammar and vocabulary, that is) until Qov has
gone over it and posted a reply.

Stardate 98212.5

-----Original Message-----
From: TPO <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: TKD AND KGT

>>When you refer to TKD, this is The Klingon Dictionary, correct?
>> So what' KGT, KCD, and FWIW? Please tell me!
>> Michael
>TKD - The Klingon Dictionary
>CK  - Conversational Klingon (tape)
>PK  - Power Klingon (tape)
>TKW - The Klingon Way
>KCD - Klingon CD (computer CD)
>KGT - Klingon for the Galactic Traveler (MO's most recent book)
>MO  - Marc Okrand
>TOS - The Original Series
>TNG - The Next Generation
>DS9 - Deep Space 9
>VOY - Voyager
>TMP - The Motion Picture (Star Trek 1)
>SKI - Summary for the Klingon Impaired
>IMHO - In My Humble/Honest Opinion
>FWIW - For What Its Worth
>and of course KLI - Klingon Language Institute  :)
>Did I forget any?
>pa' tlhIngan yanmey tu'lu'
>(last updated: 22 Jan 98)

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