tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 12 12:12:48 1998

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Re: Amar Qawlu'


Given the quantity of fundamental grammatical errors here, I
suggest that you are functioning at a beginners level and you
should post English translations of your work so we can buy a
clue about what you mean by this. While I won't go through
point by point, as the BG likely will, I will point out a
couple guidelines. 

Please do not be discouraged by my my words here. I'm a little
grouchy because I like reading Klingon and it feels like a rude
tease to have familiar words mashed together in a way I can't
understand. I hope you stick with this long enough to write
something I will relish reading. Until then:

Nouns with Type 5 suffixes need to go at the beginnings of
their sentences/clauses. Always.

With the single verb {neH} as an exception, if you have more
than one main verb in a sentence without a conjunction or
Sentence As Object construction, you have erred.

{-ghach} on a bare verb stem is a mistake. For the most part,
avoid using {-ghach} at all if you can, since it is far easier
to misuse it than to use it properly. It is very tempting for
beginners to try to build English nouns out of Klingon verbs +
{-ghach}, but it really is a bad idea. It is far better to
figure out how to recast your thought entirely.

Noun suffixes belong on nouns. Verb suffixes belong on verbs.
Don't put noun suffixes on verbs [lanDaq] or verb suffixes on
nouns [nuchghach, ghoqwI'chu', Qapla'qu'].

As I said, the BG will undoubtably give you the point-by-point,
but I thought these hints might help you more immediately,
since it seems the BG has not gotten to this yet. These are the
most repeated errors which made your text impenetrable to me.


According to mack tabor:
> orghen rojmab bIvta' tlhingan 'elDI tera'vo Vejur pong jan luwuqpu 
> ra'ghomquv. qugh Dujmeymajvo' Qaw meq ghajbe' 'ej tlhinganwo'vo DeHat 
> lI'tera'vaD. chID 'ejyo vangghachvam 'ej ngoyghach lajQo'. DaH tengchaH 
> ghoqwI' Qawpu'bogh janmo' tengchaH ghoqwI' chu' luchenlI' chaH. 
> vangghach nuchghach wIcherghlaHbe'. tengchaH ghoqwI'chu' wIHIv SIm 
> rojvaD wa' tamghachmaj. Qaw' rIntaH lanDaq Amar neHmaH lujuSlaH pa'yoS 
> Duj Hoch 'ej tengchaH luchenHa'. Qapla'qu'.
> kapact
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