tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 12 12:10:34 1998

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Sor Hap - Some musings

The recent talk about the phrase {Sor Hap} got me thinking:

1. The existence of this phrase doesn't call into question our belief
that the N1-N2 noun construction can be used to express composition; it
only indicates that there is no common word for "wood".  As Voragh (?)
and ghunchu'wI' (?) noted, there is the phrase {baS 'etlh}.  In fact, this
phrase actually confirms that earlier idea: {Sor Hap 'In} = "a drum made
out of stuff made out of a tree".

2. The phrase {Sor Hap} convinces me that {Hap} = "matter, stuff, the
substance out of which something is formed" and not "matter, topic,

3. The contrasted phrase {baS 'etlh} indicates to me that when there is
a simple word for a substance, you can use the simple N1-N2 phrase with no
trouble: {mem HIvje'} = 'plastic cup'; {nav nIvnav nIv} = 'superior paper
pajamas' (i.e., like you wear in the hospital).

4. (WARNING: Idle speculation follows)  The fact that there seems to be
no simple word for 'wood' leads me to wonder if there are few types of trees
in the Klingon flora that yield wood suitable for construction or for
handiwork.  I imagine the Klingon landscape to be dominated by shrubs {lav}
and maybe grasses {tIr?} and bamboo-like plants.  Is there a common name 
for the substance of these sorts of plants?  Maybe, {nIn}?

-- ter'eS

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