tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 05 14:29:23 1998

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[KLBC]: Family

vavnI'wI' vIboghpa' Heghta'
targhDaj SoptaH 'ach Qongbe'
saQtaH be'nI'wI', jIlaDtaHvIS

I was born before my Grandfather died.
His targ eats, but it doesn't sleep.
My Sister is crying, while I am reading. (Can I fit this into one

Note to Qov:
	I've just realized that I can't understand why I made mistakes
with {-taHvIS}, it's quite logical really. (c:
	However I'm not sure I should be using the suffix {-taH} to
create a gerund form of the verb or if I should use {-lI'}. (To me the
explination of {-lI'} implies that this is better to use in gerund.)
	And what would be the known goal of {jIlaDtaH}? Non that I can
see. So maybe {jIlaDlI'} would be better in the last sentence, but
{jIlaDlI'vIS} is wrong, isn't it? (Does Okrand give a reason for this

ghaytan Heraj waQ qul
Likely fire obstructs your course.


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