tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 05 15:08:50 1998

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Re: English - thlIngan - german

I'd like to bring up some points about the ideas for German/Klingon
activity that haven't been mentioned before.

For one thing, most Germans who are in the social stratum of buying Star
Trek books usually know English.  A much larger percentage of Germans know
English than Americans know German, because in Germany and a number of
European countries, the honorable practice of teaching children several
useful languages in school is done.  (I have evidence that this is done in
the Federation as well.)

But, of course, there are probably Germans who _can_ participate on this
list in English but are not very proficient in it and are much more
comfortable with German.  (For all we know, there might be some lurking on
the list right now.)  But if we want to attract them, the mailing list will
have to be publicized in German as well.

(For the record, I am very good in German, and can participate in these
activities if they should come up.)

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