tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 03 11:11:52 1998

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Re: Picking a name?

According to WestphalWz:
> My name means included by bonding (into the Klingon race).  However, the
> syllables I have used to make up my name cannot legally be used alone as
> words.  I extracted them from bound words, which we at KLI agree is not a
> legal method to get new words.  We await our words from Marc Okrand.
> peHruS
> peH comes for peHghep = Age of Inclusion
> ruS comes from ruStay = Bonding Ritual

Given that explanation, it looks like it promotes polyamory.
Inclusion bonding. The bonding of inclusion. But it is a name.
It doesn't have to mean anything except peHruS, who is a person.

My name "means" conqueror, as in "William, the", though Okrand
has used it to mean "victor" as in {reH lugh charghwI'}, one of
my FAVORITE proverbs, of course, whether I can live up to it or
not. Meanwhile, I didn't pick it because I run around
conquering things. It, too, has become a couple syllables
referring to a person: me.

Krankor (a.k.a. Qanqor) has a name that means nothing, except
Qanqor, who is profoundly meaningful. r'Hul has a name that
can't really be pronounced, though it sure sounds good when SHE
says it. (She can say it to ME ANYtime.)

I was amused once when I mistyped {charghwI'}, dropping the {r}
and got {chaghwI'}, meaning, "one who drops", which is what I
was when I dropped the {r}. Okrand recently gave us a new word,
{char} meaning "slimy". Considering that most people who can't
speak Klingon very well have difficulty with the {gh} sound, it
is quite common for English speakers to call me {charwI'},
which is NOT something one does to win my favor.

And I'm convinced Okrand did that on purpose. If you ever meet
him, you'll likely agree. He is a very kind, nice, sweet guy
who is EXACTLY twisted enough to do that on purpose.


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