tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 03 05:50:10 1998

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Re: ram Hurgh

According to WestphalWz:
> In a message dated 98-03-02 17:01:14 EST, cahrghwI' writes:

I get the sense that you manually retype my messages, hence
misspelling my name above and the misspelling in the message
itself, which I do not remember doing. {Dat jIleng} is recorded
as {Day jIleng}, for example, and I can't get through on the
server which would allow me to see my original message:

> > Better would be {Day jIleng}. {ghoS} definitely gives a sense
> >  of travelling along an intentional path with a specific
> >  destination. {yIt} would work, but it doesn't carry the same
> >  sense of wandering that you are asking for as well as {leng}.

I mean, I know I misspell things now and then, but when you
quote me, there is almost ALWAYS a misspelling. For the longest
time, I felt bad because I was apparently sending messages to
the list with all these words misspelled in them, despite my
interest in not doing that. Now, it is dawning on me that I'm
NOT sending so many misspellings. That they only crop up when
you quote me... which then makes me wonder if I'm being quoted
or paraphrased.

So, anyway, to the group in general, I'd just like to suggest
that if you see me misspell things when quoted by peHruS, it
may not be the case that I have actually misspelled anything,
okay? I am not generally that careless.

> jIQochbe'chu', charghwI'.   Qu'vamvaD Dun mu' {leng}.
> peHruS


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