tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 29 14:35:11 1998

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Question from a newbie

Howdy.  (That is, nuqneH!)  I haven't studied tlhIngan Hol for several
years, and I never really knew that much of it, but I recently bought
KGT and was intrigued by the section in the Argot chapter on musical
terms.  I'm a musician and very interested in non-standard tuning
systems, so when I read that tlhIngan music was based on a different
scale than human, I was intrigued.

However, I'm a bit confused by one thing: MO calls the tlhIngan scale
nonatonic (i.e. nine tones to the octave), but what he then actually
describes is an _octa_tonic scale, since the ninth note duplicates the
first.  Has anybody ever asked him to clarify this?  Or should I just go
by the description and chalk up the incorrect use of the term
"nonatonic" to MO's unfamiliarity with standard musical usage?

--pH <[email protected]>
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