tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 18 21:59:15 1998

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ja' B Clawson <[email protected]>:
>I'm not sure if these are valid translations for the following words,
>but it's what I meant.
>poHHom = moment
>vebHa' = previous

These are probably fine; I understood them in context immediately.

>poHwI' = clock/timer

If it's a "timer" like a stopwatch or an hourglass, fine.  You've
already been pointed to the word {tlhaq} "chronometer".

>qIp    = strike

The examples I've seen of the word {qIp} don't fit the way you want
to use it, based on the "'til the clock has finished striking" phrase.
{qIp} refers to hitting something with a hand or tool, as opposed to
{ngeQ} "bump into", {moq} "beat (with an implement)", or {mup} "impact".

Assuming you want to talk about a clock with a bell that is used to
count the hours, _Klingon for the Galactic Traveler_ gives some verbs
that describe various ways of sounding a bell or other percussion
instruments.  {weq} "hit with palm", {tlhaw'} "hit with fist}, and
the aforementioned {moq}.

If you don't want to be quite so literal, you can talk about the
clock resuming being quiet, or having finished counting the hour,
or perfectly indicating midnight.  Another problem comes into play
here, though -- a Klingon day is counted from dawn, not midnight.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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