tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 15 07:11:58 1998

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wa'DIch ghItlhqoqwIj jabbI'IDghomvaD 'oH, vaj peqejQo'. 

bomvam tera'ngan Holvo' vImughta':

ramjep bIQ yItlhutlhQo'
jatlhlu' 'e' vIQoybejpu' 
ramjep poHHommo' Hegh Hoch bIQ

poHHom veb yItlhutlhlaH qoj
poHHom vebHa' yItlhutlhlaH
'ach bIyepchugh 'e' valchu'
wa' poHHomvaD bIloSchugh
qIpchu'ta'DI' poHwI' 'ej
DaHjaj mojta' wa'leS

pagh bIQ Hegh botlhutlhjaj
'ej bomachchoH 'ej bongabchoH

- tuv'el pach puqloD

I'm not sure if these are valid translations for the following words,
but it's what I meant.

poHHom = moment
vebHa' = previous
poHwI' = clock/timer
qIp    = strike


This is my first so-called posting on the list, so don't be mean.

I translated this poem from English:

At midnight drink no water,
for I have heard said,
that on the stroke of midnight,
all water goes dead.

You may drink the moment after,
or the moment just before,
but it's better to be cautious,
and wait a moment more,
'til the clock has finished striking,
and tomorrow is today.

Or you'll drink dead water,
and whither quite away.

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