tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 17 07:54:29 1998

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jInIDpu' 'ej jIlujpu'.

> traps you into copying grammar and vocabulary as well as ideas and
> meter from the source language, and leads to very stilted and often
> outright wrong Klingon.

wej tlhIngan HolDaq vIQublaHbe'law'lI'vIS jIH jImughnISqu'ba'.
nuq SuHar?

> Someone has already told you about {tlhaq}.  Never assume vocabulary
> isn't there.  We have a very ecclectic lexicon.

Sure, but I usually give up after four tries or so with synonyms. 
Clock?  No.  Watch?  No.  Timer?  No.  Hmmm, must not be a word. 
Haven't memorized all 3,000 quite yet.

I really think Voragh's suggestion of HIq instead of bIQ would be most
appropriate:  ramjep HIq yItlhutlhQo'  (Thanks to Pagh for helping me
form my only acceptable sentence to date.)

jInIDpu' 'ej jIlujpu' 'ach jInIDqangqa'.

> Try:
> Qov is confused because my sentence is long.
> Qov is confused because of my sentence.
nI'mo' mu'tlheghwIj mIS Qov.
mu'tlheghwIjmo' mIS Qov.

- Tuv'el pach puqloD

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