tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 01 09:32:08 1998

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Re: Beginner's questions

: [email protected] wrote:
: > Is there a simple way to tell
: > the difference between the upper case "i" and the lower case "L"?
: I don't seem to have this problem.  My lower case "L" and upper case "I"  look
: very different.  Have you tried using a different font?
: lung

lung is right: the simplest fix is to use a different font for your email
program -- you'll want to use one with serifs, those little horizontal
protrusions at the top and bottom of letters.

If you can't or don't want to do this, here's a tip that will help in many
cases:  Most Klingon words and suffixes have the basic pattern CVC
(consonant-vowel-consonant), while the verb prefixes are CV-.  So, if you
see something like {CIC}, this would probably be
"consonant"-"i"-"consonant", {lVl} is "L"-vowel-"L", and {lIl} would be
"L"-"i"-"L".  A five letter word is likely to be a verb prefix + verb: CVCVC
= CV-CVC; a six letter word is either a verb + verb suffix, noun + noun
suffix, or a compound noun (noun + noun): CVCCVC = CVC-CVC; an eight letter
word is likely to be a verb prefix + verb + verb suffix: CVCVCCVC = CV-CVC-CVC.

There are some variations on these basic patterns, of course, but this will
help you learn to break the word down into its parts as you are reading.
Eventually this analysis becomes completely unconscious.

Hope this helps.


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